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Ardha Chandrasana
Half Moon

Half Moon

Alignment Cues:

  • supporting leg points directly forward and is straight or very slightly bent
  • feel as if you are leaning your back flat against a wall behind you
  • reach outward with your “spokes” (bottom foot reaches down, raised foot reaches back, top hand reaches up, bottom hand reaches down, top of the head reaches forward
  • can also be practiced with no weight on the bottom hand (hand floats off the floor)

Drishti: upward at the top hand (unless that bothers the neck, in which case you can gaze straight out or even down at the supporting leg)

Strengthens: muscles of the supporting leg, obliques


Eagle Pose

Alignment Cues:

  • supporting foot is straight forward and spreading wide on the floor
  • top leg may cross fully and hook the foot behind the calf, or you may modify by crossing just the ankle over the thigh of the standing leg
  • keep the standing leg bent
  • engage the low belly so the tailbone reaches down
  • hips remain square to the front (both hip bones point forward)
  • pull the elbows up and away from the chest to spread the scapula wide across the back
  • arms can be modified into a “hug” position if they do not wrap

Drishti: straight forward (may be looking into arms)

Strengthens: muscles of the supporting leg, and abdominal muscles (working as stabilizers)

Stretches: upper back


Dancer Pose

Alignment Cues:

  • supporting leg points straight forward
  • hips stay square to the front (there is a tendency to lift the hip of the lifted leg – keep that hip bone reaching forward)
  • reach for the arch side of the back foot (thumb near the big toe)
  • press the back foot into your hand as you lift the thigh (foot reaches away from buttocks)
  • keep the chest lifted and pointing forward (do not drop chest towards floor)

Drishti: straight forward

Strengthens: muscles of the supporting leg, hamstrings of the lifted leg, abdominals (wokring as stabilizers)

Stretches: hip flexors and quadriceps of the lifted leg, chest, sometimes shoulders and thoracic spine

Tip Toe Pose (Toe Stand)

Tip Toe Pose

Alignment Cues:

  • connect sit bone to heel in the supporting leg
  • be sure knee of the supporting leg stays pointing forward
  • keep weight balanced over teh big toe and second toe on the supporting leg

Drishti: straight forward

Strengthens: muscles of the supporting leg, abdominals (working as stabilizers)

Stretches: toes of the standing leg, gluteals of the lifted leg

Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana
Revolved Half Moon

Revolved Half Moon

Alignment Cues:

  • supporting leg points directly forward and is straight or very slightly bent
  • reach outward with your “spokes” (bottom foot reaches down, raised foot reaches back, top hand reaches up, bottom hand reaches down, top of the head reaches forward
  • can also be practiced with no weight on the bottom hand (hand floats off the floor)
  • hips stay level to the floor

Drishti: upward at the top hand

Strengthens: muscles of the supporting leg

Stretches: muscles surrounding the torso (in the twist)

Svarga Dvijasana
Bird of Paradise

Bird of Paradise

Alignment Cues:




Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana
Standing Split

Standing Split

Alignment Cues:




Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana
Extended Hand to Big Toe Pose

Standing Big Toe Pose

Alignment Cues:




Virabhadrasana III
Warrior III

Warrior III

Alignment Cues:

  • supporting leg points directly forward and is straight or very slightly bent
  • reach backwards with the raised foot (toes point down towards the floor)
  • hips stay level to the floor (there is the tendency to let the hip of the raised leg rise – keep this hip bone reaching down to maintain it level with the other)
  • a variety of arm positions may be used with this posture

Drishti: most typically downward towards the floor, but can also be forward to the horizon (as shown in the photo)

Strengthens: muscles of the supporting leg, back muscles (erector spinae)


Tree Pose

Alignment Cues:

  • foot of the raised leg can be on the thigh, calf, or ankle of the supporting leg (anywhere except the knee)
  • press the foot into the side of the supporting leg and press the leg into the foot
  • hips stay level and facing forward
  • rotate the raised leg out from the hip joint to point the knee out to the side
  • a variety of arm positions can be used in this posture

Drishti: straight forward (strong but easy gaze)

Strengthens: muscles of the supporting leg, abdominals (working as stabilizers)